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Ashni Patel

On Momentum

/ 2 min read

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about momentum. Morning, noon, and night.

Many of us understand its advantages; life feels effortless when we have it and once you get it, you’re good. Right?

But how many can genuinely attest to prolonged periods of momentum?

Reflecting on my own experiences in school, work, and everything in between, I’ve come to realize that momentum ebbs and flows more like a capricious tide. External forces (from catastrophic events affecting family and friends to larger economic shifts) or internal factors (such as boredom, health, lack of direction) can either propel me forward or drag me back.

Determined to alter this pattern, I’ve shifted my mindset: momentum isn’t a static state but a dynamic force to be harnessed and cultivated.

Holding onto momentum is an oxymoron; it’s simply not feasible.

The true secret lies in the daily endeavor to build upon actively, rather than passively maintaining it.

Not a single passive element exists within it.

Consider Harry Potter.

As a “seeker” in Quidditch, his task is to actively pursue the elusive golden snitch, darting and diving through the air. This mirrors our quest– I’d characterize us as seekers, relentlessly in pursuit of our own momentum.

Harry Potter chasing the golden snitch

Chasing it demands discipline, day in, day out.

Once seized, we savor the fleeting moment before starting the hunt again tomorrow.